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Restructuring & Insolvency



We advise our clients in all aspects related to recovery/guarantee of receivables from a debtor being in a pre-insolvency or an insolvency stage (amicable settlement, payment schedules, registration of receivables with the judicial administrator/liquidator, enforcement of guarantees and assets, representation in court, at the creditors’ assembly and committee, etc.)

Examples of significant insolvency cases recently handled by our lawyers include:

● Assisting a major company specialized in natural gas distribution services, in the insolvency of the largest supplier of thermal energy in the city of Bucharest;
● Assistance in insolvency/bankruptcy disputes regarding pharma retail distributors for the recovery of over € 70 million, while also acting in the Creditors’ Committees on behalf of our clients; 
●  Assistance in insolvency/bankruptcy disputes regarding retail distributors for the recovery of over € 30 million, while also acting in the Creditors’ Committees on behalf of our clients; 
● Assistance for the recovery of various aircraft leased to Romanian companies by several international aircraft lessors, which involved advice on criminal liability of the judicial administrator of the insolvent companies; 
● Assisting a major oil company, in a complex dispute with one of its suppliers in a long insolvency procedure.


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